Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Time and M$

Not going to write much, but thought I'd share some interesting links with you all. First up is this blog entry, an interesting insight into some of the things going on over at Microsoft. I try to keep my eye on MS and it was with some interest a few months back that I read an article about big changes going on there, it looks like they are not working.

On a different note ben sent me an interesting link to help with time management. Reading it just read like common sense to me, that said its useful to have it crystalized somewhere so I thought I'd link it in case anyone else was interested in such things.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sleepless sickness

Well it's been a while since I blogged for which I largely blame the combination of an obsessive gaming period and illness. I have been sick probably only twice in the past 10 years and both of those were some time ago, so it was quite a shock to have spent most of last week in bed with some kind of "cold". I say cold because everyone seems to get very upset when I use the word "flu" as they seem to think it implies some near death experience, I'm not convinced as you can tell from my tone, but nonetheless I'll refer to it as a cold. What was really annoying though, was that it co-incided with a bout of insomnia. I sometimes find myself so fired up over something, normally when I'm learning something, that I can barely sleep. This is normally not a problem as it actually helps me learn, but in this case, coupled with the cold it just meant that I couldn't get any sleep to give myself a chance of getting over it so I was pretty unwell for a while. Thankfully though it seems to be over now and I'm back to work and productive things. One annoying thing though is that I seem to have really screwed up my neck over the last few months, I'm not sure what it is by massages and careful placement of my head while I sleep hasn't seemed to help. I guess I'm going to have to go to some specialist but for some reason I have an instinctive aversion to trusting Brittish medical facilities.