Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Back in the flow

Well after spending the last few months sitting around gaming and watching various movies I'm now, finally, back in productive mode. So for those of you who are subscribed to my blog be prepared for a lot more posts!

While I'm on the subject a lot of people have expressed interest in what my plans are at this point. Basically I'm going to make a concerted effort (no, really!) to get a job this week. If I don't look like I'm getting somewhere by the end of the week I'm going to take some more time off and go to Germany for a language course, then come back and continue to look. It's a source of amusement for me that now when I've decided to go contracting some really tempting permanent roles have been shown to me, one of them that might involve moving to NY at some point. While I've said I'm going contracting, and I intend on doing so at this point, I won't disregard these interesting roles. I'll keep you all posted.

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