Friday, February 24, 2006

Come fly with me we'll fly, lets fly away

Here I am blogging again while 11km up in the sky over the "java sea" (the irony isn't lost on me) doing just under mach 1. I have come to the realisation that the problem with long distance flying is not now lack of options, it's that you don't want to do anything. They still have the antiquated system in place where you need to turn up 3 hours before an international flight, which means that even if your flight was at a reasonable hour, you still had to get up at some horrible time because you had to get to the airport (invariably located a long way away from where you are staying) 3 hours before the flight started. This time round I actually timed how long it took me from when I turned up at the check in desk with no ticket to when I was waiting at the passenger lounge having gone through customs and 2 security checks, total time - 11 minutes. Then I just had to sit down and enjoy Sydneys International airport (Kingford Smith) hospitality, which unsurprising to those of you who use it regularly, sucks badly. To top it off my plane was about 1 hour late leaving Sydney, though I actually prefer that as now I have one hour less to spend in Singapore occupying myself waiting for the London leg of the flight.
Now I'm sitting on the plane wondering if my next flight will have wireless net coverage or if I should use up my remaining time on this one, I think I'll assume that it does and just use up MOST of my time :) I might even try a skype voip conversation shortly and see if the prohibitive rates they charge for making phone calls is a thing of the past once and for all or if the telephone companies are in cahoots with the isp. Fortunately my headphones are still taking me to a world of sonic bliss where I am able to ignore all the crap going on around me. On which note it has to be said travelling with Australians is a good thing, on the whole all Aussies are used to travelling LONG distances and consequently spending long durations travelling, the result is that they are actually a fairly pleasant bunch to travel with, far less annoying then other cultures / socities I often find myself in the company of while travelling.
So here I am, I can do anything on my laptop (well for another 10 hours or so), including things like programming or watching various shows I have downloaded, or I could watch some in flight on demand videos or I could read. In fact I want to do none of the above as I am too tired to really concentrate well and I'd rather just catch up on some sleep, which is also fairly problematic due to the fact that there is drone of jet engines in the background and more annoying, the habit of planes to randomly drop a few feet every 10 minutes or so which sets of your body's sense of equiblium which in turn startles you out of sleep with a vague sense of impending doom. Fun. Perhaps I'll go back to baiting the nearby baby with scary faces (enhanced by my recent shaved head I've found) and generally making myself popular with people who arn't as audibly protected as myself.

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