Well I have been a bit slack and havn't made any posts for some time. I guess it is partially due to having had a string of social commitments. Firstly my girlfriend, Astrid, moved back in with me which has been great but meant less time for the computer. Since then we have had a string of visitors ranging from Astrids friends from Germany and my family, all have gone now, but I still have my half sister, Fiona, staying with me.
I have been hitting the gym fairly hard, changed from doing aerobics to weight training and now going to throw in some boxing (just for fitness not for actually practising the sport) and see how that goes. My weight hasn't really changed but I am putting on a lot of muscle, which I guess I can use to justify any weight gains if they do arise ;)
I have been out of geek mode for a while now, instead I have been playing a lot of DAOC instead which has been fun. On that note I read an interesting article today on gaming. Seems to suggest that my own thoughts, that gaming is no different from any other medium and is not intrinsically bad, are correct. Though as the article suggests more real research remains to be done.
I bought a new monitor (dell 2005FPW) which is a really nice 21 inch wide screen. It is actually smaller then I thought in terms of height (it is an identical height to the 17 inch lcd next to it) but the width is amazing, actually its quite offputting at first but soon it seems the natural width and the normal 4:3 aspect ratio monitors look somehow squashed. I also picked up a new mouse, and finally went with the option of a cordless one. I ended up choosing the logitech mx1000, a so called "laser" mouse. Whatever it is, I quite like it and have no problems with it, though its battery life is closer to 2 days rather then the stated "Weeks". Then again it could be because I use it for 36 hours in 2 days ;)
I should also mention that I passed my CISSP. It was quite amusing really as I did about 2 hours worth of study, left 2.5 hours into a 6 hour exam and was hung over :) Still I don't imagine that my mark was anything to write home about, that said I won't know because they don't actually give you the mark in case you can use that to work out what the right answers to the questions are and then onsell that information to someone making a Study guide to the CISSP, like there isn't already a trillion out there.